This work for solo piano is a study of simplicity on many different levels..How do you introduce a minor triad to students in a way that they will absorb the sound, touch and feel of the triad in a natural way. Let's look at the goals this work is designed for.
1. Beauty, Know the work well as the teacher, take time to understand the form on a large scale by understanding the details needed to interest the child. Always strive to play each note with meaning and direction.
2. Performing the work at a high level for your student builds curiosity and high expectations .The beginning moments of introductory time between the student and teacher are critical.
3. Children need to discover elements of music by playing them. The left hand opening melody is built on playing intervals of a second. A wonderful opportunity to introduce phrase structure to the student and the development of tone by immediately playing the first two measures of the left hand in a thoughtful manner. The rest of the work is based on repeated patterns, yet the beauty of tone needs to be expressed always in each individual note.
4. The right hand is built entirely on various forms of a triad. It teaches balance between hands concerning melody and harmony. Repetition is important to reinforce the broken chords and only repeating the pattern one step higher or lower will be required to produce immediate success with both hands.
5. Children learn by doing. The movement of the body reinforces memory in ways that thought can never achieve.
6. Success at any level at the piano gives the child a feeling of accomplishment. "By the Brook" is designed for this purpose and will be a wonderful addition to any teacher's repertoire. A work that produces beauty in a pedagogical way. A building block for empowering children at the piano.
Piano - SMP Level 3 (Early Intermediate); NFMC Level: Elementary Class 2
Composed by Timothy Brown. Sheet Music. FJH Written For You Piano Solos. Single sheet. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.W9162)) Item Number: FJ.W9162
This enchanting, lyrical solo is beautifully and simply choreographed for the early intermediate pianist. The expressive left-hand melody gently sets off the rolling eighths in the right hand with every beat, giving the brook its babbling effect. The impressionistic sound will inspire musicianship. Sure to be a student favorite!