Pagodas - Early Intermediate piano solo by Timothy Brown - This delightfully impressionistic piece has a westernized sound that retains a hint of the East. Its flowing passages are quick to learn and easily accessible. Pairs of eighths alternate between the hands in arpeggiated runs. Sustained whole notes guide the occasional harmonic movement.
FJH W9160
Dr. Alan Huckleberry, piano The University of Iowa Piano Pedagogy Video Recording Project IMTA Level A FJH, 2004
This work for solo piano focuses on crossovers using both hands. The emphasis is on the 2nd and 3rd finger of both hands. Chopin understood the importance of balance of individual fingers as a teacher. The 2nd finger was the key to finding a balancing point for both hands. This work allows the student an opportunity to use only limited fingers to produce an emphasis on tone quality.The entire work uses only single voice melodic themes until the final statement. "An excellent opportunity to reinforce a "beautiful tone" alternating with both hands."
Timothy Brown, composer