Timothy and Mi Won Brown seated with Dr. Judea Pearl (Daniel's Father)
for the Texas Premiere of my work dedicated to Daniel Pearl
There are Stars Whose Radiance is Visible on Earth by Timothy Brown. In dedication to Daniel Pearl"
The first movement of “There are Stars Whose Radiance is Visible on Earth” begins with a simple statement of a "four part chorale" that sets the tone and mood for the rest of the three movements of the choral work. The text of the first movement, “Lord, May it Never End,” is from the writings of Hannah Senesh, an inspirational figure that inspired me due to the many parallels of her short life and the life of the journalist, Daniel Pearl. The first movement is a powerful portrayal of the strength of the goodness found in mankind . “A victory of humanity over brutality”. The first movement has an immediate impact with a fullness of dynamic ranges and energetic moments pushing the music continually forward in it’s representation of “a cry from the darkness” The second movement, an "Alleluia," is solemn, and reflective of it’s initial use in the ancient Greek Liturgy of St. James. It’s “chant like” opening gradually builds to a tremendous climax towards the end of the movement in both dynamics and harmonic development. The movement uses an " A cappella" setting and serves as a decisive dividing point between the first and final movement. The "Alleluia" or Hebrew word "Halleluya" text can be used interchangeably to suit both traditional Jewish and Christian performance practice. The overall message of thanksgiving, joy, and triumph is interwoven throughout this movement as a vocal tapestry. The static monophonic beginnings of the third movement “Of Thine Impenetrable Spirit,”reflects the story and struggle of the titan “Prometheus” found in Greek mythology. The text is from the third verse of the poem “Prometheus” by the English poet, Lord Byron. The movement slowly builds from the opening moments of the movement to a triumphant restatement in fullness of intensity in both the choral and orchestral parts. The concluding section features a violin solo introducing a theme of hope and purity. The violin continues as if following the process from afar, yet having an important role of leading the choir and orchestra to the final statement of the opening chorale which was first presented in the opening of the first movement.
Timothy Brown, composer

Adron Ming conducting the Lewisville Lake Symphony with
300 singers in the accompanying Chorus