Timothy Brown, composer for FJH Publishing, recently honored the local Northeast Area Music Teachers Association of Iowa with a beautiful piano solo “Dance of the Wind.” Released in the ‘Written for You’ piano solo series, this piece is written at an intermediate level, and offers valuable pedagogical elements including L.H. over R.H. melodic voicing, (where the L.H. plays a quarter-note melody over the R.H. which is playing a sixteenth-note accompaniment.)
This dramatic, yet hauntingly beautiful piece allows the pianist to be expressive and allows the audience to be caught up in the ‘dance’ the music creates. Timothy Brown previewed this piece at a workshop he presented in August 2010 at the Cedar Falls West Music. Several NAMTA members were present and were honored that Timothy Brown had written this for them.
Look for “Dance of the Wind” at your local West Music. The beautiful cover art is of an angel walking in a meadow with her arm around a musician and everything is colored in golden hues. This very fitting cover expresses the tone of the music perfectly. Take a moment to note the dedication at the top of the music, “for the Northeast Area Music Teachers Association of Iowa”. Then enjoy playing the beautiful piece.
The Northeast Area Music Teachers Association is a division of the Iowa Music teachers association to find out more about this organization visit. www.iamta.org
(This work continues to be one of my most performed works for the piano. It is an Etude which emphasises left hand cross-overs throughout the work. A lyrical (Schumann-esque) texture that allows for intensity from the very first note until the final dramatic ending coda.)
A response to Masha,
Dear Masha,
Thank you very much for the recent link to your playing. I was very pleased with your maturity as a pianist, what a joy it was to listen to your playing.The first aspect of your playing that immediately I felt a beauty in your tone production.This work fits your playing well.I have heard this work performed many times and I must say that your interpretation is one of my favorites.Bravo.
In the opening section, the very first note in the left hand is quite important. it sets the stage for the crossover melody to come.Schumann loved this type of texture in so many of his works.The melody is intermingled with the melodic ideas to give a sense of energy when both accompaniment and melody become one.I could hear this in your playing.Other works of mine that use this type of texture are my "In the Night, Serenade. and "By the Brook".I believe my favorite example of this approach of writing for the piano is found in the Intermezzo for Schumann's Faschingsschwank aus Wien, op.26. I love Richter's recording of this beautiful and magical work.
The other aspect of the larger form of "Dance of the Wind" is the opening section repeat at a softer level.This is quite important to give a sense of relaxing the opening theme without the fullness of the opening. There are always so many ways to vary materials that are repeated in music, each work is unique and offers a new opportunity to explore different possibilities as a pianist.
I very much would like to keep updated on your performances and especially with this specific work.Congratulations on your talent and always remember that each new work is not only an opportunity to grow as a pianist but also to look deeply into your own personality and depth of feeling in a very personal way.
With Warm Regards,
Timothy Brown, composer,
Shigeru Kawai Artist